Aesthetics, Cosmopolitics and Design
Post-critical potentials in experimental co-design
Sissel Olander
The Royal Danish Academy’s School of Fine Arts, Denmark
Keywords: Post-criticality; actor network theory; co-design; design experiments
This paper focuses on the idea of post-criticality, and hinges on a critique of critique as developed by science scholar Bruno Latour. The paper explores the post- critical as some thing or some constellation, which may exceed from experimental and collaborative co-design events. Through a recounting of a co-design experiment, the paper seeks to characterize the post-critical as a situated and collaborative experimental possibility that may take many different non-descriptive forms. Drawing on the work of Philosopher of Science Hans-Jörg Rheinberger and science scholar Nortje Marres, the paper reflects on the difference between experimental reasoning and empirical analysis. In so doing, the paper seeks to open a discussion on how experimental and collaborative design research and analytical movements like science and technology studies and actor network theory may cross-fertilize one another.
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Cite this paper: Olander, S. (2016). Post-critical potentials in experimental co-design. Proceedings of DRS 2016, Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference. Brighton, UK, 27–30 June 2016.
This paper will be presented at DRS2016, find it in the conference programme